Converting array of objects to CSV (comma-spaced values) 【JavaScript】

Converting array of objects to CSV (comma-spaced values) 【JavaScript】

Array of objects

次のarray of objectsを例にします

const tweets = [
        id: 10512,
        message: "Hello Twitter 👋",
        stats: {
            likes: 41,
            retweets: 54
        id: 41241,
        message: "How do you keep track of your notes?",
        stats: {
            likes: 14,
            retweets: 20

Converting to CSV (comma-separated values)

.map()と.join()を使って、array of objects を CSV stringに変換します

const csv = => tweet.message).join(", ");
console.log(csv); // "Hello Twitter 👋, How do you keep track of your notes?"


Object destructuring

tweets.forEach(tweet => {
    const {likes, retweets} = tweet.stats;
    console.log(likes, retweets);


41 54
14 20
