CNN10 student news 日本語訳 | May 16, 2024

CNN10 student news 日本語訳 | May 16, 2024




CNN 10

アメリカがウクライナに対して20億ドルの軍事援助を発表; UAEが家庭ごみを利用してエネルギーを生産; 「セラピストのよう」: 患者たちがこの歯科医師を異なると言う。放送時間は4時から4時10分まで。

放送日: 2024年5月16日 – 04:00 ET

※ これは急報の原文です。このコピーは最終的な形ではない可能性があり、更新される場合があります。

COY WIRE、CNN 10 アンカー: 皆さん、こんにちは。番組へようこそ。私はCoyです。これはCNN 10であり、あなたのおかげで最高の10分間のニュースです。今日は多くの話題がありますが、時間は限られているので、さっそく始めましょう。






フレデリック・プライトゲン、CNN特派員: 国務長官ブリンケンのウクライナ訪問は、ウクライナとウクライナ軍にとって重要な時期に重なっています。彼らは戦場で一部の挫折を経験しており、現在はウクライナ第2の最大都市であるハリコフに向けてロシアの大規模な攻撃に直面しています。ウクライナ側はロシアが一部の領土を奪取したことを認めていますが、モスクワは実際にはかなりの進展を遂げたと主張し、攻撃を続けたいとしています。





「WIRE: アラビア半島のアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)に向かいましょう。この国は世界最大の石油輸出国の1つです。しかし、今ではエネルギーを生産する別の源を探っています。それは家庭ごみです。**




アラブ首長国連邦のこの施設を監督しているTim Clarke氏は、ごみをメガワットに変える専門家です。ここでは、約13万世帯分の電力を供給できるだけの量を生み出しています。









STALEY: 「廃棄物エネルギーは包括的な解決策の一部だと思います。循環経済の観点から物事を見ると、プラスチックボトルを再びプラスチックボトルに戻すことが、エネルギー消費量が最も少ない方法です。そして、もちろん、最初にすべきことは、最初から廃棄物を最小限に抑えることです。例えば、包装を減らすか、包装をしないかです。」

未確認の女性: これは、努力が無駄にならない世界でのごみの未来です。



WIRE: ポップクイズ、ホットショット。

あなたの歯の冠を覆っている硬くて頑丈で光沢のある物質は何ですか? ワックス、骨、エナメル、ケラチン。


歯ブラシで歯を磨く理由は、考えたことはありますか? 歯ブラシではなく、歯ブラシと呼ぶべきですね。とにかく、ここで冗談はやめましょう。さて、私たちはみんな、歯の問題が痛みを伴うことを知っています。幸い、私たちの多くは歯科医師が痛みを和らげるのを手伝ってくれます。しかし、誰もがそんなに幸運ではありません。



ドクター・ドンドレ・シンプソン(歯科医): おい、元気かい?

カトリーナ・アプトン(ニュー・ファウンデーションズ・ホーム・フォー・チルドレン): 彼は歯をきれいにするだけでなく、多くのことをしています。

素晴らしい! 彼は教え、励まし、セラピストのようです。彼は歯科医以上の存在です。

ローラ・コーツ(CNNシニア法律アナリスト): こんにちは。あなたは、必要な人々にケアと尊重、尊厳を提供するという明確な哲学を持っていますね。

シンプソン: 私は自分がこの地球に置かれた理由を果たしているだけです。神が私に与えた使命です。

コーツ: 実際、私は公共サービスに生涯を捧げ、最も必要な人々に歯科治療を提供した歯科医の娘です。彼は刑務所に入り、人々がいる場所で彼らに会うことを信じていました。


シンプソン: 全国の刑務所には歯科医が不足しています。ほとんどの受刑者、99.9%は、痛みから解放されることに感謝しています。私が礼儀正しく、親切で尊重し、仕事をし、あなたを良く扱うことができれば、あなたが誰であろうと、どこにいようと、それが私の目標です。

アプトン: これはニュー・ファウンデーションズ・ホーム・フォー・チルドレンです。私たちは養護施設の子供たちと少年院の子供たちを受け入れています。彼は未だかつてない使命に身を捧げています。彼はこれらの子供たちから多くのお金を得ていません。彼はここに来ることを導かれているからです。

ジェローム・プライス(歯科患者): 私は2019年ごろにここに来ました。以前の養護施設でうまくいかなかったからです。彼が私の歯をきれいにする間、私の目標について話します。彼は私が話すことをすべて覚えており、私は彼の唯一のクライアントではありません。

シンプソン: だから、私が無意識に誰かに種を植えることができると知るのは驚くべきことです。ただ仕事をしているだけで、私のやり方で、それが彼らに良い決定をさせ、より生産的な市民になる影響を与えるでしょう。

アプトン: 彼は確実にこれらの子供たちの明るい未来を創造しています。


WIRE: みなさん、こんにちは。今日の「10 out of 10」は、2024年のウェストミンスター・ドッグ・ショーに連れて行きます。優勝者はセージです。彼女はミニチュアプードルで、ショーで最高の成績を収めました。





今日のショーに参加していただき、どこにいてもあなたが大切であることを覚えていてください。私はコイです。これはCNN 10です。また明日お会いしましょう。



※ この翻訳はChatGPT(AI)を使用しています。



CNN 10

U.S. Announces $2 Billion in Military Financing for Ukraine; UAE Producing Energy Using Household Waste; “Like a therapist”: Why Patients Say This Dentist is Different. Aired 4-4:10a ET

Aired May 16, 2024 – 04:00 ET


COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the show. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news because of you. We`ve got a lot

to get to today, not a lot of time to do it, so let`s get right to it.

Today we are starting with some important news involving the United States and Ukraine. The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, just visited the

capital of Ukraine. During his trip, he said the U.S. will continue helping Ukraine and will give them an additional $2 billion for military spending.

This money is to buy ammunition and weapons for Ukraine`s war against Russia.

Russia is pushing into northeastern Ukraine, and they`ve made major advances over the past week. These are Russia`s most significant gains

since 2022. As a result, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has canceled all international travel to focus on the war.

At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Putin will arrive in China just over a week after

entering a new term in office. He has now extended his autocratic rule until 2030, following an election that did not have any true opposition.

Here`s CNN`s Fred Pleitgen with more on the war between Russia and Ukraine.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Secretary of State Blinken`s visit to Ukraine comes at a critical time for the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian

military, as they`ve been suffering some setbacks on the battlefield and right now are also dealing with a massive Russian push coming in the

northeast of Ukraine towards Ukraine`s second largest city of Kharkiv. The Ukrainians are acknowledging that the Russians have gained some ground

there, while Moscow says that they`ve actually made some significant gains and wants to continue to press that offensive.

Now, the clear message from Secretary of State Blinken in his meeting with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was that the U.S. is back as

far as military support for Ukraine is concerned and that the U.S. is back to stay. The Secretary of State saying that some of the U.S. weapons that

have been pledged have already arrived on the battlefield and others are on the way.

Now, for the Ukrainians, that cannot come soon enough. One of the reasons why their forces are under such pressure pretty much on all fronts right

now is the fact that they`re quite short on ammunition and on weapons, especially ammunition though.

Another thing that the Ukrainian President pointed out, he said one of the biggest issues for Ukraine`s forces fighting in the northeast of the

country is Russian air power and the ability of the Russian Air Force to be much more effective than before. The Ukrainian President saying that

Ukraine essentially needs two surface to air missile batteries patriots of U.S. make very quickly. Fred Pleitgen, Berlin.


WIRE: Let`s head to the United Arab Emirates in the Arabian Peninsula. This country is one of the world`s largest exporters of oil. Now, it`s looking

at a different source to produce energy. Household waste.

Let`s dive into the pros and cons of this technology and examine how these facilities could change the game for waste treatment and energy production



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is it the end of the road for this household rubbish? After all, it`s hard to imagine that anything here could be of further use,

but actually they`re just beginning a journey to produce power.

TIM CLARKE, CEO WARSAN WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Around about 45% of Dubai`s total waste comes to this facility and we turn that into energy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Overseeing this site in the United Arab Emirates, Tim Clarke is an expert in turning piles of trash into megawatts. Here, enough

to power approximately 130,000 homes.

CLARKE: This facility is the largest of its type in the world. We`re processing about 1.9 million tons a year of waste.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The process is simple. Burn the waste, produce heat and steam, drive a turbine to make electricity. It`s a tried and tested

method that has existed for over a century. Now Tim says having a plant of this scale takes it to a different level.

CLARKE: We operate at a 34% efficiency of producing electricity, which is much higher than it would normally be expected from an energy-front waste

plant. And that`s partly because of the size. We can operate at higher temperatures and higher pressures.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Last year, the world`s urban areas produced more than 2 billion tons of waste and that will grow to nearly double by the middle

of the century. Landfills are piling up and there`s an urgent need for a way out.

BRYAN STALEY, CEO, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH & EDUCATION FOUNDATION: If we`re globally putting more waste into open dumps, we`re creating methane that is

unmanaged. As a solution waste energy can create less emissions compared to a landfill setting.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At Warsan, besides the energy produced, waste metal is recycled and leftover ash is used for building roads. Finally, Sulfur and

heavy metal contaminants are filtered and taken away.

CLARKE: Only the 200 tons of flue gas residue is the net waste at the end of 5,500 tons of waste going in per day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Using trash to create power can be seen as a more sustainable way to manage waste and combat the climate crisis. For experts,

it`s one piece of the puzzle.

STALEY: I think waste energy is part of a holistic solution. If we look at things from a circular economy standpoint, turning that plastic bottle back

into a plastic bottle is by far going to have the least amount of energy consumption. And first, of course, would be just minimizing waste from the

get-go. For example, less packaging or no packaging.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the future of trash in a world where no efforts are left to waste.


WIRE: Pop quiz, hot shot.

What hard, tough and shiny substance covers the crowns of your teeth? Wax, bone, enamel, keratin.

If you said enamel, flash a big old smile. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, did you know? Stronger than your bones. Even though

enamel is strong, plaque and bacteria in your mouth can damage it. So brush and floss like a boss.

Ever wonder why we brush with a toothbrush? It should be called a teeth brush. Anyways, enough of being facetious. All right, we all know that

having issues with our teeth can be painful. And fortunately, many of us have dentists to help us ease that pain. But not everyone`s so fortunate.

CNN`s Laura Coates shares the story of one dentist who provides care to an underserved population and dedicates himself to a mission much greater than



DR. DONDRE SIMPSON, DENTIST: Dude, how you doing man? You doing good?

KATRINA UPTON, NEW FOUNDATIONS HOME FOR CHILDREN: He does so much more than clean teeth.

Awesome! He teaches, he motivates, he`s like a therapist. He`s so much more than a dentist.

LAURA COATES, CNN SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: How are you? You have a demonstrated philosophy of providing care and respect and dignity to anyone

who needs your help.

SIMPSON: I do what I do because this is what God put me on this earth for.

COATES: I`m actually the daughter of a dentist who really devoted his life to public service and ensuring dental care was given to people who were

most in need. He would go into the prisons. He really believed in meeting people where they were.

You also wanted to go into the prisons, I understand as well. Not only to provide that service, but you recognize in many ways that why should they

be denied the dignity of care?

SIMPSON: There`s a shortage of dentists in prisons around the country. Most inmates, I`d say 99.9% of them, they really are grateful that they get to

get out of pain. If I can be courteous and kind and respectful and do my job and treat you good, regardless of who you are, where you are, that`s my


UPTON: This is New Foundation`s home for children. We have kids in the foster care system and we have kids in the juvenile justice system. He

serves an underserved population. He`s not making a lot of money off of these kids. He comes because he feels led to be here.

JEROME PRICE, DENTAL PATIENT: I got here around 2019 because I had another foster home that I was at and that didn`t work out. As he cleans my teeth,

he talks to me about my ambitions. He remembers everything I tell him and I`m not his only client.

SIMPSON: So that`s mind-blowing to know that if I can plant a seed in somebody, unknowingly, but just doing my job, doing the way that I do it,

it will influence them to make good decisions and be a more productive citizen.

UPTON: He`s absolutely creating a brighter future for these kids.


WIRE: All right, all you animals. Today`s 10 out of 10 takes us to the 2024 Westminster Dog Show where the winner is Sage. She`s a miniature poodle who

just pranced her way to best in show.

Now, it`s not unusual to see a poodle on the podium, but Sage proved that you don`t need size to take home the grand prize. She`s only the fourth

miniature poodle to win the show`s biggest honor, and that deserves a round of “a-paws.”

All right, we`re showing some serious puppy love today to Alex and all of our friends in Mr. Stephen`s class at Vintage High School in Napa,

California, for today`s vocabulary word winner, facetious, an adjective meaning treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor. Well


We also want to give a shout out to Edwin M. Stanton School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, home to the Stanton Stallions. I see you, home


And we`re also showing some love to Mrs. White`s Media and Society class at West Aurora High School in Aurora, Illinois. Soar high, Blackhawks.

Thank you for joining the show today. Remember, wherever you are out there, you matter. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10, and I`ll see you tomorrow.

