CNN10 student news 日本語訳 | August 30, 2023

CNN10 student news 日本語訳 | August 30, 2023



【CNN 10】






PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over):  北朝鮮のアスリートたちが世界の舞台に戻ってきました。そのテコンドーのチームは、先週カザフスタンで行われた世界選手権の開会式で主役を務めました。これは国境が再開されて以来、初めての海外のスポーツイベントとされています。

今週、平壌は国境を再開して、3年半以上外国に取り残されている市民が帰国できるようにすることを確認しました。北朝鮮は国境を再開する最後の国の1つとされており、それでも中国とロシアとの一部の国際便が再開されるのみです。ただし、観光はまだ夢の域にとどまっています。西洋人を北朝鮮に案内することに特化したKoryo Toursによれば、自国民を帰国させる計画以外には何も聞いていないとのことです。

シモン・コッカレル(Koryo Toursのゼネラルマネージャー):さまざまな種類の人々が、実質的に自国から孤立しており、大半の場合、3年半の間に家族と連絡を取る方法がありません。






【WIRE:】 次に、フロリダに向かってメキシコ湾を進んできたハリケーン・イダリアの最新情報です。私たちが番組を録音した時点では、ハリケーン・イダリアはフロリダのメキシコ湾岸に向けて勢力を強めることが予想されていました。この嵐は、強力な風と生命に危険をもたらす嵐潮を伴って、水曜日の早い時間にフロリダの海岸にカテゴリー3の強さで上陸すると予測されています。





【JENNIFER GRAY, CNN METEOROLOGIST:】 熱帯低気圧、熱帯暴風圏と、それがハリケーンになるのに十分な強さになると、カテゴリー1から5の5つのカテゴリーがあります。最も頻繁にハリケーンに襲われる州は、フロリダ、ルイジアナ、テキサスです。しかし、私たちがハリケーンについて知っていることが多いほど、予報はまだ難しいものです。各嵐には個別の特性があり、2005年のカトリーナのように、一晩でカテゴリー3からカテゴリー5に急速に強化され、その時点で史上4番目に激しいハリケーンになりました。予報の進路は劇的に変わることがあり、2015年のエリカのように、比較的弱いシステムも、2001年のトロピカルストーム・アリソンのようになる可能性があります。その嵐の名前が引退される最初の非ハリケーンとなりました。

【WIRE:】 次に、10秒のトリビアです。



【WIRE:】 ブルームーンの皆さん、手を挙げてください。”once in a blue moon”(滅多にないこと)というフレーズは、月に2回目の満月を指します。

もし今夜空を見上げることがあれば、”once in a blue moon”(滅多にないこと)の機会を見るかもしれませんが、今夜はさらに珍しい出来事があります。それは、スーパームーンとブルームーンの珍しい組み合わせである「スーパーブルームーン」です。これらは複雑な用語ですので、すべてを詳しく説明しましょう。スーパームーンは、月が満月であり、地球に最も近い位置にあるかその近くにあるときに起こります。これは年に3〜4回起こります。そして、ブルームーンは、1つの月に2回目の満月がある現象で、2〜3年ごとに起こります。NASAによると、このスーパーブルームーンの組み合わせは非常に珍しいものです。





ちなみに、誰がチャレンジに挑戦しますか。私たちのCNN 10のYouTubeチャンネルは75万人の登録者に迫っています。プロデューサーは、80万人に到達すれば、毎エピソードの最後に学校へのシャウトアウトを始めることができると言っています。900万人に到達すれば、3つ行います。100万人に到達すれば、さらに大きなシャウトアウトをします。詳細については後日お知らせします。

しかし、それだけではありません。これらのマイルストーンを越えるたびに、ある種のビデオチャレンジの対象になることになりました。皆さんによって投票される形で、「10 out of 10」が行われます。ダンクタンクではないことを祈ります。みなさん、また明日お会いしましょう。皆さんは、ニュースで最も素晴らしい観客です。おしまい。

※ この翻訳はChatGPT(AI)を使用しています。


CNN 10

North Korea Reopening Its Borders to Some People For The First Time Since The COVID-Era Shutdowns; Update on Hurricane Idalia; The Rare Blue Moon. Aired 4-4:10a ET

Aired August 30, 2023 – 04:00   ET


COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hey, what`s up sunshine. It`s your boy Coy, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday full of wonder. Halfway through the week.

So let`s lock in and aim to be just a little better today than we were yesterday.

It`s time now for the best 10 minutes in news. We start today by traveling to the isolated nation of North Korea. The country announced this week that

they`re reopening their borders to some for the first time since the COVID era shutdowns. They are considered one of the last countries on the planet

to do so. The Democratic People`s Republic of Korea is considered one of the most secretive countries in the world.

During the pandemic, the government imposed extreme measures to close its borders and tightly restrict travel even within the country. They also

restricted the distribution of food and other products. According to the organization Human Rights Watch, COVID-19 further isolated the country as

the government maintain tight control over its people. The news that North Korea will ease these border controls comes months after most other Asian

countries relaxed the last of their COVID era restrictions. This includes China, which was known for its zero COVID policy, and unlike other

countries, North Korea will still require its citizens to do a one-week quarantine.

On Tuesday, a flight from North Korea landed in China the first time since 2020. And flights between North Korea and Russia are also set to resume.

CNN International Correspondent Paula Hancocks has more on what the reopening in North Korea might look like.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): North Korea`s athletes are back on the global stage. Its taekwondo team headlined at the opening

ceremony of the World Championships in Kazakhstan last week, believed to be the first overseas sporting engagement since its borders reopened.

This week, Pyongyang confirmed its borders are reopening to allow citizens stranded outside the country for more than three and a half years to

return. It is considered one of the last countries to reopen its borders, and even then, they`re only opening a crack with some international flights

resuming with China and Russia. Tourism, though, is still a dream. Koryo Tours which specializes in taking Westerners into North Korea, since

they`ve heard nothing beyond plans to repatriate its own citizens.

SIMON COCKEREL, GM KORYO TOURS: All kinds of people essentially marooned outside of their country, with in most cases no way to contact family for

three and a half years.

HANCOCKS: Bart Van Genugten went on a tour of North Korea with his father one year before the borders closed. He created YouTube videos of his


BART VAN GENUGTEN, YOUTUBER: You go and everyone hopes maybe that they will see a bit more of the real North Korea which won`t happen. Like they show

you the place that they`re going to show you and it`s the best of the best.

HANCOCKS: He does see value in North Korean seeing foreigners in their country but acknowledges useful interactions with the people are rare.

Western tour operators already a niche market are likely to be among the last to be invited value.

(On camera): One other group waiting to be allowed back in diplomats. The vast majority of them left during the pandemic unable to send supplies in

or rotate staff out. And so far only Russian and Chinese officials have been invited back to Pyongyang since the restrictions eased showing Kim

Jong-un`s political priorities.


WIRE: Up next an update on Hurricane Idalia which has been making its way through the Gulf of Mexico toward Florida. At the time, we recorded our

show Hurricane Idalia was expected to intensify before hitting Florida`s Gulf Coast. The storm is predicted to hit the coast of Florida early

Wednesday at Category 3 strength and will come with powerful winds and life-threatening storm surge.

Idalia`s storm track is especially interesting because it`s the first major hurricane in at least 172 years to head toward Apalachee Bay in the Big

Bend region of Florida. It`s a marshy coastal area, and though it`s not densely populated, it is home to all sorts of wildlife and nature areas.

Another concerning aspect of this storm is that over the summer water temperatures around Southern Florida climbed to 100 degrees and

temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico overall have hit record temperatures. Warm waters tend to act almost like fuel for hurricanes and Idalia could

strengthen as it approaches.

Preparations for the storm have been underway. People in at least 22 counties along the Gulf Coast were told to evacuate their homes, air and

train travel have halted across the state. In 42 districts, schools have closed. And the governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, had declared a state of

emergency in 67 counties when we recorded our show.

The National Guard was also activated to assist with storm response. We`ll keep you updated over the next few days. Our Meteorologist Jennifer Gray

has more on what you need to know about hurricanes.


JENNIFER GRAY, CNN METEOROLOGIST: You have tropical depressions, tropical storms, and once it is strong enough to become a hurricane, you have five

categories of category five being the strongest.

The state`s most frequently hit by a hurricane Florida, Louisiana and Texas. But as much as we know about hurricanes forecasting them is still a

challenge. Just as we name each storm, each storm has its own personality, like Katrina in 2005, which intensified rapidly overnight going from a

Category 3 to a Category 5, it became the fourth most intense hurricane on record as of that time. And the forecast track can change dramatically,

like Erika and 2015, or a system that can be viewed as relatively weak like a tropical storm could end up like Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. The

remnants of the storm stalled over Southeast Texas dumping 35 inches of rain over Houston in just five days. The storm became the first non-

hurricane to have its name retired.


WIRE: 10 Second trivia.

What is the popular term for the second full moon in a calendar month?

Red moon, Blood moon, Blue moon or Harvest moon?

WIRE: Blue Moon crew put your hands up, the phrase once in a blue moon can refer to the second full moon in a month.

If you look to the sky tonight, there`s a chance you might see that once in a blue moon opportunity, but tonight will be an even rarer treat. It`ll be

a super blue moon, a rare combination of a super moon and a blue moon. These are complicated terms, so let`s take tend to break it all down. Super

moons happen when the moon is full and located at or near its closest point to Earth. They happen three to four times a year. And a blue moon the

second full moon in a month happens every two to three years. According to NASA, this combination, a super blue moon is very rare.

The next one won`t happen until the year 2037. But don`t fulminate against me if the moon isn`t actually blue tonight. Despite what the name might

suggest a super blue moon isn`t actually super blue. It is super bright though compared to normal full moons, super blue moons appear 16% brighter

and 14% bigger. And that`s because they`re slightly closer to Earth.

Thanks to the UIL team at Alvarado High School in Texas. You submitted the winner for #YourWordWednesday. Fulminate, a verb meaning to express intense

protest. Well done.

Something very different was found in the ocean in Wildwood, New Jersey. Frank Bolger was spending time at the beach with his wife and granddaughter

when he spotted a message in a bottle. He took it home, opened it to find a note saying the bottle had traveled all the way from Ireland. The note was

written back in 2019. So it took four years to travel across the Atlantic Ocean, but it was signed with just one first name. Now Frank Bolger is on a

mission to connect with the writer and his story is making its way all over the world through the power of social media.

Today, we want to give a special shout out to Ojeda Middle School in Austin, Texas, rise up. Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our

YouTube channel with your shout out request.

By the way, who`s up for a challenge. Our CNN 10 YouTube channel was closing in on 750,000 subscribers. My producer said if we make it to

800,000 I can start shouting out to schools at the end of every episode, doubling your chances of getting one. If we hit 900,000 we`re going to do

three. And if we get to a million, we`ll give a super shout out more on that to come.

But that`s not all, every time we crossed one of those milestones, I have to be the subject, my producer says, of the 10 out of 10 in the form of

some sort of video challenge voted on by you. Better not be a dunk tank. I`ll see you tomorrow, everyone. Thanks for being the absolute best

audience in news.

